Nourish, AL
Nourish, AL is a hunger initiative of the Nourish Foundation aimed at providing fresh produce to food insecure families in the Auburn/Opelika area. It was created through a partnership between Beth Hornsby of Hornsby Farms and Dr. Katie Wolter, a pediatrician. Each week we deliver fruits and vegetables to families in our community. Our vision behind these weekly baskets is not only to provide physical nourishment to families in need but also to build relationships, provide hope, and nourish their whole selves. We have continued to deliver produce to our Nourish families for almost every week since November of 2016 and we hope to feed families through Nourish, AL for many years to come.
"Hunger is not a problem. It is an obscenity. How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
-Anne Frank
Weekly Produce Boxes
Our fresh produce boxes are assembled each week on Friday. They are then picked up by our community partners and delivered to our Nourish families. If a patient at Nourish Wellness is food insecure, they will be offered a weekly produce box delivery. Through the integration of nutrition and health care, we will nourish our community.

School Supply Drive
Every summer, we gather a list of the needed school supplies, including a backpack, for each child in our Nourish families. We then find community sponsors to donate toward the purchase of these supplies for our families. Our community partners then deliver these items to the families.

Holiday Gift Drive
Every holiday season, we collect wish lists from each child in our Nourish families. Members of our community then sponsor each child or family and deliver their gifts to Nourish Wellness. Our community partners will then deliver gifts to the Nourish families they serve.

Nourish Blooms
Through Nourish Blooms, flowers feed families. The proceeds of flower sales provide support for families to receive fresh produce each week through Nourish, AL. To go the Blooms website, click here.